Time to dust off the old blog and do some spring cleaning. First things first - the blog needed a new name.
I haven't touched this blog in five years. Not because I didn't have anything to say. Just because I've been saying it elsewhere. In that time, I've finished my dissertation, completed a post-doctoral fellowship, and taken a position as an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii. Wrote some papers along the way (mandatory curriculum vitae).
I work in educational technology and special education. I'm an open source kind of guy. I hack hardware and software to build cool solutions to educational problems. I identify as an edupunk. There is plenty written on this topic, but a good place to start is at the Center for Edupunx.
I've been doing some cool things in the educational technology world that other educators might find to be of value. I've decided to change the focus of this blog from only focusing on open source virtual worlds to all of the various hacks and projects I'm working on. I'll be posting as I find time.
Can't wait!