Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Update: iSocial Funded!

I haven't posted in quite a while - basically since the Cobalt build was released.

I just wanted to assure everyone that I am indeed very much alive and still working with Croquet/Cobalt. I've just been very busy writing my dissertation proposal (which I defended May 9 and have had accepted - hooray!) and ramping up for full-on development of the iSocial project.

The major news is that iSocial has received a small amount of start-up funds to design and develop a functional prototype. This week is the first week of me working in my official position as project manager for this endeavor. First steps are to create a "generic" Cobalt world that supports all of the functional requirements of the iSocial system and to build a visual design that supports the social skills curriculum we are using. This is an exciting time for us, as things are finally starting to move forward.

We are 100% committed to Open Source. Although our project may not be able to contribute code to the project, we will contribute experience and provide assistance. Our developer will be helping out on the IRC channel, and I'll be putting together the occasional how-to. We are looking in to donating our models and avatars to the project. Stay tuned, as more details are certain to follow.

1 comment:

  1. That's really, really great news! (I hope my analogies helped. ;-) )

    I would like to help in my small ways if I can. Perhaps to make some small UI suggestions if that will streamline some aspects of it for your teachers/students.
